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HilbertCurve: an R/Bioconductor package for high-resolution visualization of genomic data.

Gu Z, Eils R, Schlesner M. HilbertCurve: an R/Bioconductor package for high-resolution visualization of genomic data. Bioinformatics.; 2016;32: 2372–2374.

Cited by: 6


Hilbert curves enable high-resolution visualization of genomic data on a chromosome- or genome-wide scale. Here we present the HilbertCurve package that provides an easy-to-use interface for mapping genomic data to Hilbert curves. The package transforms the curve as a virtual axis, thereby hiding the details of the curve construction from the user. HilbertCurve supports multiple-layer overlay that makes it a powerful tool to correlate the spatial distribution of multiple feature types.